Lightbox + PhotoNav = LightNav

Download LightNav zip-archive Example Open the LightNav examples

If you’ve been around the web for a while, you might have heard of Lightbox. And if you used it, you might also know the limitations.

One of those limitations is of course the fact that an image wider than your screen goes out of bounds. Very annoying! And it creates ugly scrolbars.

As you might know, I have created a Panoramic Photoviewer in Javascript to fix the problem of images going out of bounds. And I thought to myself: “Why not try and implement PhotoNav on top of Lightbox?”. With this, even super large images would be viewable.

I created LightNav for this. It runs along Lightbox without changing the script, so you can always update Lightbox if needed.

[![Lightbox + PhotoNav = LightNav](/articles/lightbox-photonav-lightnav/lightnav.jpg "Lightbox + PhotoNav = LightNav")](/articles/lightbox-photonav-lightnav/)

The example page is located here:

And the archive is downloadable here:

Using LightNav is easy! I’ll tell you what you need to do in this step-by-step guide:

1. Download Lightbox and upload to your webpage.

Go to the Lightbox project page and download the zip:

The files from the zip we are going to need are: lightbox.js, lightbox.css and the images in the images folder.

For this installation, we don’t need the prototype.js and scriptaculous.js file from this zip.

Now upload the files to your server. Check the lightbox.js file in the top section for the image paths. These settings are on line 49 and line 50. They have to be set correctly to get a good output on your page.

2. Download and use Scriptaculous.

Go to and download the latest version of scriptaculous.

Upload the files to your server.

Now it’s time to make use of Lightbox and Scriptaculous on your webpage by placing this code in the head section of your webpage:

<script src="js/prototype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/scriptaculous.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/lightbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link href="css/lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" />

Fix the paths to the files as they are on your server. Now you have included the technology which will make Lightbox work. Now it’s time to include LightNav to upgrade Lightbox!

3. Download LightNav and use with Lightbox.

Download LightNav here:

*Upload *the contents to your server.

Now place the following code in the head section of your page (under the previous tags!)

<script src="js/lightnav.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="js/photonav.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

<link href='css/photonav.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />

LightNav will overwrite some functionality of Lightbox and make use of PhotoNav to create a navigation feature.

You are basically done now! But if you can configure LightNav to your needs in the following part of the lightnav.js file:

//you can adjust this to your needs.
var LightNavOptions = {
    maxWidth: 800,
    maxHeight: 600

The maxWidth *and *maxHeight *give the maximum width and height (in pixels) of the LightBox window, making it impossible to get bigger than that.
If you set these variables to *
LightNav will create a width and height according to the browse window of the user, which will also fix the out of bounds problem!

I hope I helped some people with this. Follow my feed if you wish to see more Javascript tweaks.

Happy tweaking your Lightbox!